
I want junk food

But I have already decided that I'm not allowing myself to deviate even an inch on my food intake until Thursday of this week. I just have to fight through these desires. So I will.

Haven't had my official weigh-in this morning, but my unofficial weight was the same as yesterday. I didn't work out last night, as I became progressively more sore throughout the day. And dinner was heavy on the carbs. But we'll see what the scale says in a few minutes here.

I will be doing my workout tonight, sore or not. I need to get at least three days a week in, and I'm planning on four.

Alright, that's about it. I'm sure I'll blog more later.

Have a good one.


Weight was 290, so down another full pound. I hate that I had to start so high, but I'm glad that I'm down 4.4 pounds since Thursday morning.

Just got back from a 2-mile family walk, and followed that up with 20 or 30 minutes of tossing the football in the back yard. Not a bad start to the weekend.

My new short-term goal is to see 286 on the scale by Friday morning.

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