
Quick Update

Nobody blogging anymore? Come on, peeps. Get it together, and let's get out here and keep everybody updated!

As for me, I had a bad week or so. Jumped back up to 294 and change for a couple days, as we had some bad dinners, and followed them with bad snacks.

Long story short, I have worked my way back down to a new low - 285.6. Very much on pace to hit my 8.31 goal, so that's good. I'm also exactly 15 pounds from my lowest point during my first run at this a couple of years ago. Looking forward to getting into those 260's this time.

Have a great weekend, all.

1 comment:

Ripx180 said...

glad to see your doing well man. I am trying to get back on the horse with both blogging and loosing weight. Its been a pretty bad June and July for me in the weight loss world.