Lots going on around here, so not a ton of time, but I just wanted to let everybody know that I've gone back to my old school push up program in an effort to get back on track. I started last night, and instantly noticed the loss of strength and muscle endurance I've had over the last two months.
My thought here is to go with what works, and doing the sets of push ups scattered through the day, then adding in walks, runs, etc. worked wonders for me.
For those not aware, I simply do a set of push ups, go about my day, do another set, take care of the kids, do another set - until I end up doing roughly 100 - 150 or so push ups over the course of a day.
This is how I started my whole thing back a year ago, and I lost a lot of weight, and gained noticeable muscle doing it. I feel the need to go back to square one right now, so I am. For better or worse.
Here's to finishing this awful year strong.
Bench Pressing Earth
And now if I can just lose this sore throat/cold/flu thing, I can actually DO the workout in the post below. Stupid sicknesses.
No major word on the Michigan thing - still hovering about 80% sure we're going to be out there in March sometime. And when we get there, HUGE housewarming party at our place.
Behold...The PLAN
Alright, so, it's Colorado, which means the blizzard could come at any second, and then again a few seconds after that, etc. Point being, working out in the outdoors of Colorado during the winter can sometimes be challenging. Of course, other days will be 50 and sunny.
Still, my options are limited, so I need to find something quick and easy to do to get back on track. So, leave it to Men's Health to give me something I can sink my teeth into.Click to enlarge, if you'd like more detail. The Pistol Squats are going to be funny. Not "whee, this is fun!" funny. but more "look at that dude trying to do those" funny. 8-10 reps on each leg? Yeah, I'll be lucky to do 4-6 TOTAL for the first several weeks. But you have to start somewhere, I guess.
I'll do this 3 days per week as they suggest, and I'll try to get Becky to lace up the sparring equipment a few other nights per week so we can do something a little different.
I'm going to need some warm pants, some non-bulky gloves, and one of those cool Under Armour hoods to keep me from freezing out there. Maybe Santa can oblige...
Also, I'm back to 1,800 calories today, with 5-8 large glasses of water. No more screwing around. I haven't weighed myself in the last 4-5 days, and I think that's wise. If I see a number I don't like, it's more likely to disable me than it is to push me. So, I'll be perfect for five days, and THEN I'll weigh myself. I just need to focus on my performance for a while, and I don't want that number to get the way.
In other news, mainly for the Michigan branch of the Coalition, things look pretty good right now. The original reason we were trying to get out there is still being worked through, but Becky also has another, somewhat-related opportunity that seems to be presenting itself. We'll know more about that later today. But, if we had to put a number on it, we'd say that the chances of us being out there by early April are in the upper 80% range.
Stay tuned...
Checking In
Well, I have sucked yet again these last several days. Lots of stress that I have NOT been handling well. But we hope that will go away soon.
Met Rob for the first time ever after knowing him for four years, met Kristen for the first time since roughly 1995, when I likely ordered a Big bacon Classic from her at the Rawsonville Rd. Wendy's, and I met Melissa for the first time since ever. Significant others, too.
I just want to say that meeting you all was AMAZING. You've re-motivated me to get my butt moving again. You guys were all an inspiration to me last night, and I want to say thanks for that.
I hope it's not too much of an assumption to call you all my friends. You can always use more, right?
Still some potential big news today, and I'll fill you all in as soon as I know anything.
Talk to you all later!
Greetings from Meeeeechigan
Hope to have some major news and updates for the coalition on Sunday. Until then, aren't we cute?