
Checking In

Well, I have sucked yet again these last several days. Lots of stress that I have NOT been handling well. But we hope that will go away soon.

Met Rob for the first time ever after knowing him for four years, met Kristen for the first time since roughly 1995, when I likely ordered a Big bacon Classic from her at the Rawsonville Rd. Wendy's, and I met Melissa for the first time since ever. Significant others, too.

I just want to say that meeting you all was AMAZING. You've re-motivated me to get my butt moving again. You guys were all an inspiration to me last night, and I want to say thanks for that.

I hope it's not too much of an assumption to call you all my friends. You can always use more, right?

Still some potential big news today, and I'll fill you all in as soon as I know anything.

Talk to you all later!


Rob Tucker said...

Hope that news comes out great, Kev. You guys definitely deserve it.

It was great getting together - and your assumption ain't wrong. Hope to be seeing more of you guys.

Melissa said...

You not as scary as I thought you would be in person...your like a teddy bear :)

It was great to meet you two! Im sending good vibes your way today :)

Marcol said...

Well that was nice that you all got to meet up and have a great time together.

Cant wait to hear your potentially big news :)

Rob Tucker said...

Been thinking about you two today.. hope to hear some good news soon!