
The Final Countdown

Weigh In: 283.0 (3rd straight new low)
5 Day: 284.2 (6th straight new low)
Calories Consumed Yesterday: 2,159 - Too many. I lost count.

First, went to the pool yesterday to test my back. It did OK, though I didn't have a lot of gas. Worked hard for about 30 minutes, then did some light stuff for another 10 or so.

As for my calories, I made the mistake of adding up my calories at the end of the day, as opposed to doing it as I went along. I had no clue where I was going in to dinner, so I assumed I had room to eat a big one. I ended up 159 over where I wanted to be.

Lesson learned.

OK, here's the deal. November 23rd will mark one year since I really buckled down and went after this life transformation. Had I not slowed down and slipped up so many times over the last few months, I think I'd be at 260 by now. But I can't focus on that. I have to keep my eyes forward.

So, here's my new goal:
I will hit 260 by November 21, 2007 - the day before Thanksgiving.

That gives me 76 days to lose 24.2 pounds. That boils down to .32 pounds per day of weight loss. It's kind of a lofty goal as I sit here and think about it. I have had stretches of 5-6 days where I've lost as much as .4 pounds each day, but I usually follow those up with stretches of days where I PUT ON .3 pounds per day.

This will test me in a way I haven't tested myself, yet. No room for 10% bad eating. No room for days off. No room for excuses. I have to be there by 11-21. HAVE to be.

I need my back to cooperate, and it would help if the stress level would drop a little bit, too. Maybe Beck finds a great job? Maybe my role expands - along with my pay? Maybe I go on The Power of 10 and win a cool million? I'm open to any and all possibilities.

Some of you may be wondering who the real Kevin is. Is he the fired up guy who loses five pounds in a week? Is he the "life sucks" guy who lets stress bog him down, and who sits at the same weight for three weeks? I honestly don't know right now. I think we'll see who I am over the next 76 days.

This is how all of my blogs will start from now until Thanksgiving:

Weight: 284.2
Weight lost today: .68 pounds
Loss Per Day Average Since 9/6: .68
Days Left: 76
Weight Remaining: 24.2

Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.


Anonymous said...

Good luck!!! :) I have no doubt you can do this if you don't allow yourself to get distracted. Keep your eye on the goal and you'll get there. :)

Rob Tucker said...

If "hell bent Kevin" wins this battle, I don't doubt for a second that you're going to reach this goal. Now, just go out and take it like the Kevin I know.

billy said...

Luck ain't got nothin to do with it. You're on this.

Kristen said...

Although I agree with Billy...I wish you good luck too!

Ripx180 said...

Take the Bull by the horns man! Keep the diet good and the injuries at bay and I think you will own it. It is a brutal goal but I really want to see you nail it. go hard or go home.

Marcol said...

You can do this and Im going to enjoy watching you get it done! Here's to a great 76 days.