
Pain in the...


I've got a pretty good one on the right side, just above my waist. Getting up form sitting is tough, and laying in one position ain't too grand, either.

So, I'm kind of stuck. I told Beck yesterday, I am DYING to go workout. I want to throw the football. I want to do some push ups. I want to sweat and move. It figures that as soon as I get fired back up about all of this, something ELSE pops into my path to limit what I can do.

Should I have a Dr. look at it? Yeah, probably. But we no longer have insurance, so that ain't gonna happen. Not for a while.

Just another hurdle that I have to find a way to leap over, I guess. Until I figure that out, I'll watch my eating like a hawk, and I'll make do with what I have.


Weigh In: 285.2
5-Day Average: 285.65
Calories Consumed 9/2: 1,707


Melissa said...

The worse pain is back pain, I hope your feeling better soon!

Marcol said...

Feel better soon!

billy said...

I feel you man, I was laid up for months once. It sucks. Take it easy and hopefully it will get better.

Not to be all new-agey or anything, but it could be related to stress. I read a book called "Healing Back Pain, the Mind-Body Connection" and I swear my back pain got noticeably better within weeks.

Try this- when your pain flares up, think of all the stresses going on right now (I know you have a lot, that's why I think it could be related).

OK, you can stop laughing now. Give it a try, seriously! Can't hurt, right?

Anonymous said...

I haven't visited your blog in a couple of months or so, so it was nice to see your progress. Btw, I like the b&w photo. You ARE bringing sexy back!! LOL

Great Job

Anonymous said...

Wow...haven't checked in in awhile...great going! Keep it up - you will reach your goal, and I hope you can remain at that weight. *applause*