
The Goal

The post below this one is the meat, but consider this the potatoes.

The launch party for MiSports Magazine is April 18th at Eden in Ferndale. There are going to be hip, sexy people there. I know, because I looked at the photos from past parties.

If I look then like I look now, I'll be embarrassed. So, here's my somewhat crazy, yet attainable goal:

Lose 20 pounds in 56 days.

I didn't weigh in this morning - trying to avoid the painful truth - but I want to drop 20 pounds from whatever I weigh tomorrow morning by April 18th.

After losing zero pounds in three months, this could be tough.

1 comment:

billy said...

2 things:

1. No potatoes.

2. You have nothing to be embarrassed about.

Good luck in reaching your goal. Glad to see you're back.