
Morning Check-In

Weigh in was down THREE POUNDS from yesterday. THREE POUNDS.

So, my goal was to hit 279 by April 30, and I'm now 3.2 pounds away from it on the 16th. Not to get too overconfident, but I like my chances.

And that's six pounds in three days.

In other news, I'm pretty sore from both my push ups and my basketball, but that's no reason to take a day off. So, I'll likely do some more dynamic push ups today (though probably not 70), and I'll try to get the kids out for a walk and some running around this afternoon.

On a side note, if anybody uses Google for their main page, you can now use something called iGoogle. You can personalize your page with feeds, fitness widgets, etc. I'm using one called the Google 15, which keeps track of your moving 15-day weight average I also have fitness tips, motivational comments of the day, etc. It doesn't sound like much, but having everything there on one page is pretty useful.

Alright, carry on, all.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Keep up the great work Kev! You can make that goal :) Thanks for the igoogle function, I love things like that :)