
Coming Out of Retirement


So, a very brief update. I was recently as high as 316 pounds. Seeing that number was a slap of reality across my face. Even so, it took some time to get moving. Last week, I started a modified caveman diet - eating only what I could kill or grow - including potatoes and rice - and allowing myself to have salad dressing, ketchup, etc.

I quickly went from 314.4 to 302.2, and I was ecstatic. But then I added some more carbs to my diet for a day, and - POOF - I'm back up 3 pounds.

As I vented about it on Facebook, it was the comment of an MMA fighter whom I've never met, but had watched fight for years, that sunk in.

"Don't diet. Eat and live healthy."

Is it that easy? Really? It can't be. There has to be a catch, or a fad, or a miracle. Right?

And then I started thinking about the CRAZY diet I was on four years ago when I dropped 96 pounds:

I went from simple carbs to complex, whole grain carbs. I cut back on the sugary crap food. I still had cheat meals. I got more active.

No pills. No trainers. No fads.

I was just eating and living healthy.

And that's why I came back to this blog. This is where it all happened. It wasn't always easy, by any stretch of the imagination. But reading over these posts makes me realize that it's still possible to get where I need to go.

This morning I am a 6' 8", 305.4-pound guy who wants more form his life. And being healthy and fit is going to be step one in getting it.

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