

People, check your nutritional info before you eat something.

Long story short, we normally eat turkey sausages as hot dogs, and I have that caloric info memorized. But, I didn't realize we got a different type of sausage this time, and I took out three without blinking. They were double the calories and sodium, and it screwed me up big time.

So, I took out 1,200 calories JUST for dinner. Needless to say, that put me WAY over for the day. I had a bowl of cereal for desert because I thought I had the extra calories, but I actually didn't. Instead of 2,400 calories, I was closer to 3,500.

Which brings us to this bit of ugliness:

Today's Weight: 308.2
Yesterday's Weight: 305.2
Change: +3.0
Total Weight Lost: -1
Pounds to Goal A: 11

So now I've GAINED a pound on my quest to lose 10 by 6-17. I'm clean today, getting some movement and activity in, and drinking lots of water, so I'm sure most of that wull come back off quickly, but getting to 297 in 19 days? Might be tough, now.

1 comment:

Will Phillips said...

Ouch dude, I've done that more times then I care to remember - especially on the sodium end.

So, your weigh in that day was probably artificially super-high because of it. How goes it now?