
What's YOUR Solution to a Lack of Motivation?

I'm fat, again. But that's just not enough for some reason. I don't WANT to be 308, but I also don't want to be 250 bad enough to do anything about it.

I know we've all been through this before. I have, and I was nearly always able to fight my way through it when I lost my first 96 pounds. But since then, I just haven't been able to fight my way out of this funk.

So, to anybody who is currently having weight loss success, how are you staying out of these ruts?


Ripx180 said...

Dude.... sad truth is you really have to want it. You just have to put it in motion. I struggle with the same thing you do. Its all up in your head and there is nothing anyone can do or say to make that change. Success is found in you brother. To help with success I would say to very simple things. Plan your meals (stick to it) and exercise more. It really is that simple.

Ok, now I have to take my own advise.

Carrie said...

Motion. Love. Enjoyment.

That's pretty much my formula.

Get in motion, stay in motion, even if you don't want to- don't argue about it, don't think about it, just get a plan (don't bother doing it yourself, do someone else's) and do it.

Love your body. Love your family. Love your food. The more you can love this stuff, the more you're going to be likely to follow it. The hate path may fuel you to get in motion, but it won't keep you in motion.

Enjoyment. Enjoy the movement. Find a movement that you want to get better at, and enjoy the challenge of improvement. Enjoy your food fully. Enjoy the fact that you HAVE this sort of choice available to you. Enjoy that your body CAN move and do things.

That's the formula that worked for me the past six months. The final piece I threw into place was the support/challenge of Crossfit/the group environment/someone elses' workout. It got me out of my own head, and just made me DO IT.