
Chutes and Ladders

I just realized that I'm playing a game of Chutes and Ladders with my weight loss.

Today my weight dropped 3.2 pounds from yesterday after a second 100% clean day, and a great cardio workout playing basketball with Rob last night.

Ed's Note: I played much better last night, though I still air-balled several shots, and my body refuses to jump when my brain tells it to. It'll come back with time.

Back to Chutes and Ladders...Today was a ladder day. I took a big step forward by eating clean, being active, drinking water, etc. I was rewarded with a nice number on the scale. But in C&L, one wrong roll of the dice, and you slide down a chute that can set you back 3-4 moves. Lately, I've been chuting it up with the best of them.

The obvious difference is that C&L is a game of chance, and this weight loss thing is based on our choices. My bad decisions have been pushing me down the chutes, not bad luck.

You see where I'm going with this. It's the "one step forward; two steps back" scenario. I just have to get my mind right here. I need to be sure that every week I've taken more steps forward than I have back.

Sounds simple enough.


GeneTheK said...

An interesting analogy and one I can relate to as I currently play this game quite often with my 4 yr. old daughter.

You're right in that this is a game of chance (aka "luck of the dice") but our goals in pursuit of fitness is most definately a game of choice.

Keep climbing up that ladder. I'll see you at the top Kevin.

Rob Tucker said...

I didn't get a chance to reply to the last one, so I'll double up.

You might not be Hakeem but you're not giving yourself enough credit. It was great hooping it up - I lost a few pounds that night too, was glad to see it happen.

Next week we'll get stronger - and maybe we'll even hit a few shots. Invite whoever you want to come play too, the more the merrier.