

Last night was the worst I've eaten in WEEKS. Bad carbs, junk food...here's the menu:

Two beef hot dogs on white buns
1.5 cups of baked beans
8 Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies

In other words, it's not that bad. There are cookies left, and there are two hot dogs left. I ate what I wanted, then stopped. It's all about moderation.

In exchange for eating wisely, my weight stayed the same, keeping me at my newest low - 288.2. So, I'm still well on pace to hit 287 by Saturday morning, roughly two weeks before my goal date.

Today's Weight: 288.2
Yesterday's Weight: 288.2
Change: 0
Total Weight Lost: 19.0
Pounds to Goal B: 1.2

1 comment:

Ripx180 said...

looks like both you and Beck are doing really well. The numbers are coming down. Keep at it.