
Not Getting Too Excited

Today's Weight: 293.2
Yesterday's Weight: 295.0
Change: -1.8
Total Weight Lost: 14
Pounds to Goal B: 6.2

Good news: Took 1.8 pounds off from yesterday. Just ate clean, and made sure to stay active around the house.
Bad news: My body likes to screw with me. I'm bracing for a fluctuation or a plateau any day now. Maybe not this time around, but history says it'll happen.

Still, as of right now, I'm only 6.2 pounds from my goal, and I have 28 days to get there. So, that means tomorrow is pizza and ice cream, since I have time to make it up!

Not really. Not taking any chances this time around. I'd like to destroy this goal. That's my...goal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome, dude. Keep it up!!

Oh, and thanks for mentioning pizza and ice cream. That's not cool, man.