

That's my new blog name.

Dude, I've been sucking like a Hoover the last two weeks. Thank GOD I'm only about a pound up from the last time I blogged, though I DID see two days where I saw 280.8 and 280.4.

It's bee a nasty three weeks. I worked out ONCE since I started my 12-week program, and I've put on a pound.

Food? No discipline. Working out? Too many excuses.

It's been ugly.

I'm leaving for Michigan on Tuesday afternoon, and my goal was to be under 270 by then. Well, that ain't gonna happen, people. My new goal is to just get back to the 272.5 I was at several weeks ago.

I find myself disappointed in who I've been these last couple weeks. I'm pissed at myself. Two days of 280's? Really? I mean, I actually feel fatter. My chest feels flabbier. My arms look scrawnier. The mirror has NOT been kind.

How do I let that happen? I have no idea, but it stops today.

By Tuesday morning, I WILL be AT LEAST 272.6 on my scale. I will have counted every calorie for five days. I will have done as many sets of push ups, curls, shoulder presses - whatever - as I can do by then. I'll get back to taking walks, or tossing a football.

I'll do everything I've been doing to get myself from 363 to 272.

And I'll do better about blogging. I just haven't cared enough to put thoughts down on cyber paper. But I'll blog every day between now and vacation.

There's a lot going on with us right now - some kind of stressful situations, and a lot of uncertainty about our future - but to blame my lack of focus on that would be wrong. My lack of focus is solely responsible for my lack of focus. Nothing else. Nobody else.

And so, here I go again with the reset button. It's helped in the past, so we'll see how it does this time around.

Wish me luck.


Rob Tucker said...

Glad to see you back, Kev. A lot of us have been where you guys are. You emailed me a few days ago so I think I have a little bit of an idea - hopefully what I sent back helped.

This part concerns me -

I just haven't cared enough to put thoughts down on cyber paper.

I've been there - but don't forget what works. Even if you have to blog telling us "yet again how bad you did", that's what we're here for.

Hang in there, man. Maybe us all getting together will help you push through (oh, and hit the forum up that I created, I'm organizing our get together) LOL.

Ripx180 said...

We are all pulling for you man. Jump back on the wagon.

Jim McCoy said...

There's plenty of room here on the wagon. I've got a seat saved for you. Just stay aboard, and find a way to motivate yourself.

Christopher Evans said...

I am right there, man. I am still there, but all is not lost. I am prepping a post about this exact thing. Keep it up. You and Rob, and Beck have always been my biggest fans and inspiration and I really appreciate that. I am working at getting back on the wagon myself.

Anonymous said...

Kevin, I just gave myself a lecture this morning. Even asked the "fat slob" what she was going to wear to work today! I'm NOT a fat slob, just went up a couple pounds. But we all know a couple pounds just leads to another couple pounds until you're back where you started.ugh.

I promised myself I was never going back "there" again. My exercise has been good - eating has slipped.

I'm going to start blogging daily again too - we all know it helps.
Glad you're back.

kyle said...

It's good to see a post from you. I don't have much else to say besides it's nice to see another one getting back on the horse. I don't know that any among us will go thru this without falling off (or if we should even strive to), but it takes a lot to buck up and start again. I'm glad you have.

Geoff said...

There are only 2 directions when it comes to weight: gaining, and losing. You've done the gaining, and it made you a tubbo. Look at your progress pictures, and think about how much work you've put into this already. Think of all the problems you used to have compared to now. Think of how crappy it feels to be big and fat. Think of how close you are to your goals. Use that as motivation. Grab onto whatever motivation you can and hold on for dear life. You've already done an insane job of losing 90 pounds. What's another 20 in the grand scheme of things?