
Yeah...Still Here...


STILL in the freaking low-to-mid 280's, and every time I get close to finally getting out, I screw myself over. This food thing is killing me, man. I have GOT to get it under control.

I ate myself into a stomach ache last night, and I wasn't even hungry. I just ate to eat.


I know I can do it. I've done it before. I know what needs to be done, and I do it for about three days, then I drive the weight loss truck right of the cliff.

In my search for small wins, I can point to the fact that I'm at least aware enough of what's going on to avoid putting any MORE weight on. I've been sitting here for two months. Again, a small victory, but not a real WIN.

I need to see the 270's this week. Absolutely HAVE to.


GeneTheK said...

Kev -

What has worked for me in the past is telling myself that this is a change that I "want" to make, not one I "have" to or "need" to. Psychologically it just makes it easier.

Rob Tucker said...

I don't know what the answer is, man. I'm right there with you. Part of me feels like after all this time doing it - I'm just tired of doing it. But that's not an option for either one of us.

I don't know what it is. Let's just get this done, come hell or high water.