
Call to Arms

Listen, people. I pride myself on being a leader in my everyday roles. I love to set the tone, and lead by example. I want people to look to me for guidance. I want to do the right thing, and inspire others to do it, as well.

And here I am sucking like a Hoover in my weight loss journey.

I'm done with that.

Respect and leadership roles are things that are earned, and now it's time for me to earn them both from my fellow members of the Coalition.

Winners want the ball in their hands when the game is on the line. They want - NEED - the pressure of others relying on them, and looking to them for an example. Well, I weigh the same now that I weighed in December, when I was still doing well. In truth, I weigh more. For me, the game is on the line.

I can list a good 8-12 excuses - all valid - for my recent failures. Sickness, moving, finances...but none of them matter today. All that matters is that I'm sick of being the weak Kevin who eats candy and buffets for no real reason. I miss the active Kevin. I miss the dude who'd do push ups because he wanted to do all he could. I miss the guy who was fired up because he'd lost 90 pounds.

Now, I'm the guy who lays back, does nothing to move forward, and tells people that he lost 90 pounds, as though my goals are met, and I'm satisfied with who I am.

I'm not satisfied. In fact, I still kind of hate who I am - Looks, eating habits, workouts, even my personal life. I'm just not happy with "me." The only way to change that is to do what we all know needs to be done. I need to eat clean. I need to get active. I need to focus. I need to set goals and attack them.

So, let this post serve a call to anybody else who may be feeling like me today. We're struggling. We're tired. Maybe we're lazy. It's tough to stay motivated. It's cold outside. Work has us buried. Time is a luxury. We don't have enough time with our families.

We've all been there. Many of us are there now. But the only way to make those excuses go away is to negate them ourselves. We push forward. We make time. We find ways to get things done. We drop and do 10 push ups. We take the stairs. We eat an apple. We clean out the pantry. We count calories. We drink water.

And then we do it again.

And again.

And the next time we think we've gone as far as we can go? We go a little further.

It's time for me to go further. There's plenty of room on the bus. Hop on and come with me.


Ripx180 said...

good post Kevin.... I will take one of those seats.

Rob Tucker said...

Kevin, I swear to God that you and I were separated at birth. This is exactly how I've been feeling. Same situation, same everything. I could just cut/paste this into my blog.

The part about leadership is VITAL. You and I started this whole "FAT Coalition" thing (with Billy and Beck, of course), and I've always felt like it was my responsibility to be a leader by example. I've been feeling like I'm not only failing myself, but the Coalition the past few months. Hell, look at the fact that I totally let everyone down on the February challenge.

Back on our feet. Both of us - and NOW. I'm with you. Let's do this - 20 pounds by your launch party. And I'll be there to cheer you guys on. Get me the info on the when/where's.

Marcol said...

I love your writing ability Kevin.

Kevin A. said...

Thanks, all.

Guess I'm in the right business, then!

Anonymous said...

Damn right, Kevin. Let's quit making the easy excuses and do this.