
The Danger Zone

When is it for you? For me, it's right around 9pm.

It hits me out of nowhere. I'll be on the couch with my laptop, innocently getting some work done, and then it attacks - cravings. Nasty, heartless, violent cravings.

In recent weeks and months I'd give in to said cravings with cookies, ice cream, candy, pizza - it's been bad. Even when it's not "bad", it's not "good", as I'll often binge on PB sandwiches, wheat chex, or even Kashi bars. Not BAD food, but too much of the good food. That can be almost as bad.

I think the Danger Zone is going to be my biggest challenge on my quest to drop 20 by 4-18.

I'm alright during the day. I can keep control when I have kids to watch, or deadlines to meet. But when the house gets quiet, and I can go off into my own little world. it gets tough to focus.

So, Danger Zone? I'm aware of you. You have no power over me! I am free from your bondage! Plus I got all the crap out of the house.

Anyway, today's numbers are nice. Not great, but nice. I'm ahead of my .36 average needed to lose the 20, though I'm sure that will level off one of these days.

Day Two
Today's Weigh In: 278.2
Goal Weight: 260.6
Days to Goal: 53
Pounds per Day Needed: .36

Today's loss: 1.6
Total Pounds Lost: 2.4
Total Average Loss: 1.2ppd

Now, tell the truth: Is Kenny Loggin's "Danger Zone" in your head right now?


billy said...

I used to be the same way. Sometimes, it still hits. Like last night. I munched down some cheese and broccoli and hummus and almonds. But it's a rarity.

Sometimes when I get really hungry I'll get in bed. You can still read, or work on your laptop, but somehow being tucked into bed seems to keep me from hitting the kitchen. Also, brushing your teeth might help.

This is one of those areas where sheer determination wins. It's not a grey area of eat this vs. that. When you ask yourself "should I eat something?" the answer should simply be no, case closed, no debate.

Carrie said...

No, I'm still fighting off "Eye of the Tiger" from Rob's blog. Thanks, Justin!

Geoff said...

I find that I have triggers for cravings. Like, if I come home from work, make dinner, and start watching TV, I'll have a craving for beers and peanuts. So I have to make sure I don't sit around and watch TV, so I do chores or read instead, and it goes away. I usually do get hungry at night, but if the cravings don't hit I don't usually eat, so I guess that's a bonus.

Rob Tucker said...

Shocker. You read my mind again.

The 'brushing your teeth' angle is interesting. I may have to try that (and somewhere, Erin is rejoicing LOL).