
Minor Victories

So, didn't hit the bag last night, but I'll be doing it here shortly. The truth is, Beck and I have had a nasty few days at work, and by the time the kids went to bed last night, we were in relax mode - for the first time in two weeks.

So, we tossed in Rescue Dawn (decent flick), put our feet up, and then went to bed. So, the workout portion of the program is off a day, but fear not - I'm all over this. We got another 5" of snow last night, so I'll shovel today, too.

My eating was good yesterday, but I ate too late. I had a handful of nuts and a small bag of jerky after 10 last night, so the weigh-in isn't as nice as I'd like it to be.

But this whole things isn't about losing 12 pounds in a day, though that would be nice. It's about doing all of the little things that add up to the big loss we want.

It's like playing with Lego blocks. Most of those blocks are pretty small. There are a few larger blocks mixed in, but the majority are pretty small. But when you start connecting them - adding one on top of the other - over time, the creation grows.

So, here's to playing with Lego's. One at a time, let them build, and let's get our masterpiece.

Today's Weigh In: 279.8
Goal Weight: 260.6
Days to Goal: 54
Pounds per Day Needed: .36

Today's loss: .80
Total Pounds Lost: .80
Total Average Loss: .80


Marcol said...

I like your lego analogy. Good one Kevin. Stay focused and do all you can. Youll arrive at your destination soon enough.

Rob Tucker said...

The trick to this is, as you and I both know, is that the one difference between weight loss and legos is - when you play with legos and lose ONE piece, you only lose one piece.

When you have a bad day eating, you and I tend to lose TEN pieces.

Put them together - one day (one piece) at a time. Don't skip a beat. By putting the streak together, that's how you and I are going to do this.

inked said...

Kevin, I hadn't really read your blog much until today. And I will be reading it much, much more. Good stuff.

I'm curious about your heavy bag work. I got one and I know it is an awesome workout. Do you do 3 three minute rounds or do you do 3 one minute rounds? What are your rests like? I need to start beating the hell out of my heavy bag again!

Kevin A. said...

Hey, Justin.

I do 10 3-minute rounds, or I try, at least. I start hurting pretty bad after the 6-7 round mark. I do 30 second rests in between, though I'm considering moving it up to 60.

Thanks for dropping by!