
Body Fat Percentage

OK, yikes.

So, we bought some calipers tonight. Using the Jackson/Pollock 3 Caliper Method, I discovered that my current body fat percentage is 21.35%. Now, I don't put a ton of stock in this number, as the measurements were so all over the place that we could barely get the readings to match up. My numbers ended up being averages of several measurements.

Anyway, to get to my goal of getting under 14% (I'm aiming for 11%), then I have a long way to go.

According to these measurements, by current lean body weight is 220.22 pounds, meaning (I think) that if I have 11% body fat, I should end up weighing around 242. Maybe I'm doing that wrong. No idea.

Still, 242 is 7 pounds above my final weight goal of 235, so we'll see what happens when I get down that low. Until then, I'll just be happy to get my fat butt under 20%.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Interesting, I was just doing the same calculations for myself. According to my scale I am at the same percentage, about 21.3% I am at 162 pounds. My goal is 160 lean at about 10% bodyfat which means I need to lose about 20 pounds of fat and gain about 18 pounds of muscle...