
Today Was a Good Day

I weighed in at 277.0 yesterday, and my eating was perfect, save for one extra bowl of Fiber One. Yes - one bowl of Fiber One.

So, I get a 279.4 this morning.


I was pissed. At 8:45, I texted my brother and told him to meet me at the park. He did, and we ran sprints (with a parachute drag), did some hand walks through my ladder, then lead each other on some routes with the football.

It was my best and most complete workout in weeks, which probably isn't saying much. Still, I feel amazing tonight.

In other news, we went to a birthday party tonight. Cake (twice), cupcakes, and pizza were on the menu. What did I have? Two rounds of side salad. Hells to the yeah. No pizza, no cake, no cupcakes. It sucked, because I was crazy hungry at the time, but I am so freaking proud that I made it through the day clean.

Now, on to tomorrow.

The scale better cooperate.

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