
Dear Rob,

Please promise me something. If I come to your church tonight, and I proceed to suck like an industrial strength Hoover, please don't post how ugly I was on your blog page. There is a very good chance I'm going to embarrass myself tonight, and I'd like to know that the following things are NOT taking place:

- Secret video taping or live streaming of my performance
- Recording the audio of me swearing and crying because I blow so badly
- Any photos being taken
- Inviting people to the gym specifically to watch me make a fool of myself

As long as I can blow in private, I'm OK with it.


In all seriousness, I'm looking forward to tonight. I've been sore since Saturday, and I'm still feeling it in my ankles and shins/calves. But that's a good thing, I suppose.

As for other things, yesterday was a 100% clean eating day. My first in a long time. There is a plate of homemade Snicker Doodles sitting in the kitchen, and I went the entire day without so much as looking at one. The two times the thought entered my mind to go grab one, I grabbed an apple, instead. It's 10:40 AM, and I've had two pieces of PB toast on whole wheat. No cookies. For lunch, I'll be eating the inside of a chicken pot pie - carrots, green beans, red potatoes, and chicken all mixed up in a bowl with a little bit of chicken-broth based "gravy." No cookies. In fact, It's my goal to not have a cookie until Friday night after dinner. And then it'll be just one - maybe two, depending on my intake the rest of the day.

Beck and I talked about this yesterday, and we've noticed that starting this whole life transformation process was MUCH easier than continuing it. The willpower is absent. The focus is faint, at best. We started with a fire, and now we're trying to find our kindling.

My goal right now is to focus on today, not me at 240. It's cliche' to say it, but this really is a day-by-day thing. If you look too far down the road, you're more likely to trip over your own feet.
Yesterday was perfect, and today has been spotless thus far, as well. But it's not even noon, and I can't let my foot off the accelerator for a second. You cruise, you lose.

It's my hope that stringing together a few perfect days will be enough to light the fire again.

Editor's Note: I swear I've written this exact blog, or some variation of it, at least a dozen other times in the last 18 months. That probably isn't good.

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