
Finding The Passion

No idea where it is. None.

But in the absence of passion, I have to substitute some good, old-fashioned drive. I'm holding steady at 283.4 this morning. Not a good number, but given my choices over the last few days, I'll take it.

I really feared that I'd see a number over 290 this morning. Last time I weighed in, I saw a 287.4, so I'm somehow four pounds down. Again, given the last several days, I'll take it. I don't require an explanation here.

As Beck mentioned on her blog, we have a pretty big shindig to attend on May 9th, and we're having an anniversary weekend thing on the 10th and 11th.

I won't make any specific weight loss goal for the 9th, but we'll say I'd like to be firmly in the 270's by the time we hit the party.

Something I've either forgotten, or never fully grasped, is that this is a battle. On paper, it's calories in vs. calories out, but it never seems to be quite that simple, does it? Life often gets in the way. Stresses, time issues, family problems - none of these things are conducive to steady weight loss. But we all have our issues. How we deal with them defines us on this transformation.

As for me, I wasn't able to play basketball yesterday. A combo of cooler weather and Beck being buried in deadlines kept us home. But I'll play again Tuesday night, and if my Wednesday weigh-in holds to the recent pattern, I'll be down 2-3 pounds after playing.

What does that mean? Well, if I stay perfect through Tuesday, I could actually see my sorry butt out of the 280's this week.

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