
A Few Things...

Weighed in for the first time in what seems like forever today - 290.4.

Yeah, it's bad, but I was actually afraid that I was nearing three bills, again. So, I'm kind of relieved. Plus, it's not a fully accurate weight, as my stomach is having issues, and I'm thinking there's an extra pound or two in there. Gross.

Tonight, it's a mandatory 45-minute family walk, and before Beck and I relax tonight, I have to do 4 sets of 10 pushups.

I'm pressing through this the best I can, but I feel good. I think I'm gonna be alright.

Also, check this link out from FOX NEWS. Scary stuff. I don't ever want to be back there again.

Also from FOX NEWS, another good reason to get my butt moving. My mom was diagnosed at 53, one of the youngest with it in Michigan at the time. Because she had Early-Onset, I, my brother, and my daughters are twice as likely to have it as the average person reading this blog. It got my mom, and I'm not gonna let it get us.

Lastly, an interesting take on the fad diet phenomena over the last 10 years. At least two of these sound like something I'd be willing to try, though the first might have more risk then reward.

Later, all.

1 comment:

Jason said...

The obseity rate in America is just out of control. Everyone in the coalition knows how easy it is to slip into it...that was a good article kevin. With all the stress and craziness surrounding you, you have only put on 4.8 lbs since May. Now you just need to get rid of those extra pounds man. Keep your head up!