

I won't get into the back-and-forth that would be sure to follow concerning the whole "all food is either good or bad, letting your kids eat a cookie makes you a bad parent" thing. We'll just say that without self-control and moderation, there's no point in free will. My kids will be raised with the ability to make their own choices. It's my job to educate them so they make the right ones. Having cookies in the house isn't bad. Not being able to control yourself around cookies is. There's a big difference. Unfortunately, I'm still working on that "control" part of it. And until I am back to where I can eat in moderation, and resist the urges, I don't want any more cookies in the house.

Anyway, I had a perfect day yesterday. Calories were immaculate. Lots of water. And some of those aforementioned cookies were in the house when I got home last night, and I didn't even touch one.

Dropped 2.8 pounds from yesterday, which now puts me a little over a pound down from where I was on Monday morning. Tuesday's slip-up really screwed me over, but I've corrected that damage, and am moving forward.

Hoping to get a long family walk and some push ups in tonight, while keeping my eating at 100% again today.

That is all. We'll talk later, I'm sure.


It should be noted that I'm sitting no more that 12 feet from three HUGE bowls of candy that somebody in the office brought it. My challenge for the day? Don't touch a single piece.


I know nobody said I was a bad parent. Just tossed it out there as a basic, blanket statement.


Jason said...

"It's my job to educate them so they make the right ones. Having cookies in the house isn't bad. Not being able to control yourself around cookies is."

I couldn't agree more, if someone thinks you are a bad parent for giving your kids cookies, then I'm pretty sure there isn't one good parent on the planet!

Sounds like you are doing well, hope the family walk is enjoyable! Stay away from that candy! I have the same issues at my work!!

Ripx180 said...

hope you didn't take my earlier comment as me saying you were a bad parent. My son has cookies too its just not the norm around our house. more of a treat. I have struggled with my weight my entire life and I just don't want the same for my boys. I figure if I introduce them to healthy options over and over maybe they will pick them on there own some day. I am by no means the perfect parent and I hope I didn't come off sounding like a know it all cause I certainly don't. Anyway kevin just trying to put out some food for thought when I brought up the whole thing on kids. I too am a parent trying to find my way.