

My official goal is 297.2 by a week from tomorrow, meaning I have 8 days to lose 2.6 pounds. Not too worried about that. In fact, I plan on coming back from camping at that weight or under. We'll see on Monday.

My un-official goal was to be 300 or under by the time we left tomorrow morning, and I am. Feeling pretty good about the situation right now, but I still have a LONG way to go. As a reminder to myself, and to those still reading, I started out at 366, made my way to 270, and was recently back as high as 312.

This time, the train don't stop til she gets to 250.

Today's Weight: 299.8
Yesterday's Weight: 300.6
Change: -0.8
Total Weight Lost: 7.4
Pounds to Goal A: 2.6


40 Something said...

welcome to the 200's, why not stay here awhile, its must nicer then that 300 land!

Geoff said...

Good work so far Kevin. Keep it up!