
I Have Underestimated the Power of the Dark Side

And by "Dark Side," I mean dieting while on vacation.

Here's the Cliff's Notes version:

First two days at the lake were rainy and cold, so we spent 90% of our time huddling in our tents to stay warm. Food was pretty normal: sandwiches, chicken breasts, zone bars. But our activity level was non-existent. I did get up those first two mornings and took the dog for a short walk, and then did a couple sets of push ups. "A" for effort.

Last two days were MUCH nicer. Hot and sunny. Got out on the boat, took the jet ski for some rides, sat out in the sun to get tan. Sounds great until you realize that, essentially, I was still just sitting around and eating. Quality of food worsened as the week went on, too. First two days was turkey burgers and grilled chicken. Last two were chili, burritos, Fritos, and candy bars. And maybe some beverages of the adult nature that increased my desire to eat more of the above-listed foods.

Still, through it all, I don't think I can look back and see a point where I took the proverbial truck and drove it off of a cliff. Wasn't perfect, but I feel I did enough to warrant a decent weigh-in this morning. Even when my foods weren't great, I was keeping things in check...I thought.

Yeah...not so much. At 6:30, I weighed 304.6. That's 4.8 pounds up from Tuesday morning. My normal weigh in time is 8:30, so I'm still about an hour away from that. Maybe something crazy happens where my body adjusts back down, but I highly doubt it.

What this means is that, in reality, hitting my goal of 297.2 by Wednesday morning is going to be nearly impossible. As of right now, I'd need to drop 7.4 pounds in 48 hours. That's really depressing, noting that I was at 299.8 less than a week ago.

So, we'll see what 8:30 brings, and we'll go from there. I'm sure a lot of this is water weight and carb weight, so I'll be eating VERY clean the next two days, and seeing if that makes a difference.

Needless to say, I'm not real happy right now.

Today's Weight: 303.8
Last Recor0ded Weight: 299.8
Change: +4.0
Total Weight Lost: 3.4
Pounds to Goal A: 6.6

Yeah, so I need to lose 6.6 pounds in 48 hours to hit my goal. Riiiiiiight.

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