
Yeah, what the cat said

So, let's recap:

Yesterday's Weight: 295.6
Yesterday's Calories: Roughly 1,800
Yesterday's Water Intake: Average

Today's Weight: 297.6

WTF, is right.

Dinner was carb heavy, and I get that. BBQ chicken sandwiches with maybe a cup of brown rice. I ate a BIG dinner because I'd only had about 500 calories going into dinner. And I wasn't feeling great, so I did pretty much nothing active.


Today, I'll be shocked and confused, but I'll eat clean, try to do something active, and see what happens tomorrow. If it's still an ugly weight, I'll upgrade "shocked" to "angered."

Today's Weight: 297.6
Yesterday's Weight: 295.6
Change: +2.0
Total Weight Lost: 9.6
Pounds to Goal B: 10.6


40 Something said...

Its the sodium in the BBQ I bet, water retained, not weight gained

Kevin A. said...

I'm guessing it's that, combined with the carbs from the rice and buns. Lots of water today.

Anonymous said...

Better than the 4 pounds you initially got. Today's a new day. Rock it.