
Words of Thanks

I just wanted to take a second to thank everybody for your comments over the last 48 hours or so. They ranged everywhere from supportive, to congratulatory, to brutally honest. Pretty much everything you'd expect from this group.

No matter what you said, it helped in some way, and I thank you.

This week is tough for me every year, but it seems worse this time around. I'm not sure what it is. My mom has been gone for almost three years, but it hurts almost as much today as it did the first time she wasn't here for her birthday. I've been all over the place emotionally this week. Angry, depressed, hyper, and several times I've just teared up and had to fight off the urge to bawl like a baby. And the whole "not hitting my goal" thing? Didn't help. But that one is on me.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know where I was right now. I hope it gets better next week. Like Stella and her groove, I need to get my focus back.

As for the crash dieting thing from yesterday, let me more fully explain.

In my mind, crash dieting is planning to eat whatever you want to eat one day because you can starve yourself the next, therefore there aren't any consequences. That is by NO MEANS what I'm doing. What I'm doing is more of a 24-hour detox than anything. If I screw up and eat tons of crap one day, I want to make sure I eat nothing but healthy stuff the next. So, if I screw up and have pizza, ice cream, burgers, Chinese, and candy corn on Tuesday, I'll be sure to have apples, oranges, carrots, salads, etc. on Wednesday. It's not a planned thing, and I'm still taking in calories. I'm not actually fasting.

I've done this maybe five times in the 11 months I've been doing this. Most of those times, I've done it in the middle of a clean eating week. I just do it to change things up in my diet. Yesterday, I was going to do it to give my body time to burn off all the other nasty carbs I'd eaten the night before. I'm still eating five times through the day, but instead of having a sandwich, or cereal, or grilled chicken, I'm having a couple of apples, a salad, or a plate of veggies.

I don't see how that's unhealthy for as often as I've done it, plus I know Vegans have pretty healthy lifestyles, and they eat that kind of food every day.

Everybody is entitled to their opinions, and that's cool by me. I just happen to disagree with those who feel I'm being unhealthy. Again, this would have been my fifth or sixth time doing this since last Thanksgiving, and I think the pic on the right speaks volumes about how healthy I'm being as I lose this weight. But I appreciate the concern.

By the way, I ended up getting too freaking hungry yesterday, and I ended up having a normal eating day. So the point ends up being somewhat moot, I suppose.

So, Beck and I are off to family free day at the Denver Zoo! Everybody have a great day.


One more pic, then I'll stop. Maybe.

Ignore the goofy expression, and focus on the slimness that is the K-Dog. I'm not holding anything in, I'm just using good posture. It makes me think hitting 260 then focusing on building from there (hat tip, Marcol) could be an option.


Rob Tucker said...

You're doing a solid job, Kev. Sometimes I forget that you've done all of this minus a gym - that boggles my mind.

Have fun at the zoo - that just sounds flat out fun today.

Ripx180 said...

Yeah have a great day at the zoo ;). Always nice to have some family time.

On the whole fasting things or weird eating. I think as long as you don't start thinking in your head "Hey I can cheat today cause tomorrow I can make up for it by not eating much" you will be fine. Nothing wrong with eating less a day after being not so great. I am sure allot of the people around here do the same thing without really thinking about it. You look really healthy to me and you dont complain about not feeling good all the time so you must be doing something right. Just keep doing what you doing cause its working.

I hope the days keep getting easier for you man. I cant imagine loosing a loved one that close to me.

Kristen said...

I agree with Ripx as long as you're not starving yourself to stay at a ridiculously low calorie level. If you're staying full eating fruits and veges and eating clean for a day, then go for it. I just think that binging one day and then starving yourself the next could lead to more binging and so on.

Anonymous said...

I hear you on the low calorie day. I tried to do this one day, got so hungry I bought a snacky cake at a gas station....and still ended up half a pound lighter the next day. I've done it, and I'm not dead. Just remember not to do it too often, and you're fine.

This is from Jim. Technical issues with logging in ATM, sorry