
97 Days

I need to average 4.3 pounds per week of weight loss.
I'll be eating at a calorie defecit of roughly 1,500 per day, which should give me a three pounds per week weight loss before factoring in my workouts.

I'll be working out 3-5 times per week, for an hour each time.
Thirty minutes of weight lifting burns an average of 259 calories.
Thirty minutes of moderate effort on a stationary bike averages 605 calories burned.

At best, I'll be burning 864 calories per workout for the first two weeks, before I move to jogging/running. If I workout three days per week, I'll burn off roughly 3/4 of one pound (2,592 calories). At four days, I'll burn 50 calories less than one pound (3,456 calories). And if I manage five days, I'll burn about 1.25 pounds per week.

So, let me sum it up:

Diet Plus
3 workouts - 3.75 pounds per week
4 workouts
- 4 pounds per week
5 workouts
- 4.25 pounds per week.

I'll need to toss in some extra activities - walking the mall, a short hike, increased playing with the kids, walking to Target; not driving - to give me a little extra boost.

It's gonna be close. The odds are kinda stacked against me.

Oh, well. What's new?

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