
Checking In

Yesterday was one of those "good but not great" days. Didn't eat 100% clean, but didn't do anything crazy calorie-wise. Just could have done better.

Also, thanks to Beck's crazy schedule, we couldn't get out to play football, but we're going to make time to get out there for an hour or so today to get a sweat worked up.

My weigh-in today was 285.0 on the nose, which I'm pretty OK with after being 286.6 yesterday and not having a great day. I'd guess I'm pretty on track for my 282.X by Friday morning.

All-in-all, I'm pretty happy with my direction right now. I'm planning on being out of the 280s sometime in the next three weeks, and I think that's going to serve as a nice fuel to keep me going. The last time I know I was anything under 280 was January. Too long ago.

That's it for now. Catch ya later.

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