
Well, THAT sucked

Back at freaking 285.8 this morning, which BLOWS, and ANGERS ME.

But what am I going to do?

Did I have the perfect week? Not really, no. My eating was solid, but not great. My activity level was very good, but again, not great. I did well, but I could have done better.

So, Beck and I are starting an actual football training regimen today. It will work on our quickness, agility, and stamina, not to mention our football skills. We'll do it an hour a day, four days per week. It'll consist of some items like this:

Now, as for not coming anywhere close to my goal of 282.X this week? I'm not thrilled about it, but I'm not done. So, here's my new goal...

281.8 by next Friday morning.

I need to ensure that I eat 95% clean, and stick to our workout schedule this week.




Anonymous said...

Beats me, bud. Beats me.

Ripx180 said...

like I said before the weight loss will tapper off the farther you get into your program.... it slows and stalls and you have to bust balls to crush through the next plateau. All part of the game of weight loss. Don't expect more than a couple pounds a week and some weeks you will be lucky to get that. Those drills are pretty high impact so be careful we don't want any injuries for you or Beck. Any thing less than your best and you wont hit your goals. Do what you know you need to do and everything else will fall in place. Now GO GET SOME!!!! Sacrifice today for a better tomorrow.