
Quick Update

Been sick with flu/strep all week, and my eating is notoriously awful when I'm sick. That said, I was able to hold steady this week - weighing exactly today what I weighed on 7-25.

Not exactly parade-worthy, but I was afraid the weight was back up this morning, so I'll take it.

I'm still not feeling great, but I'm hoping to get out this weekend and take some walks, play catch - something. I'm kind of anxious to get active again after a week of feeling like microwaved poo.

Yes, I felt THAT bad.


Anonymous said...

Baked poo is one thing, but microwaved? Let's go out this weekend (assuming you're feeling better) and run sprints or passes or something.

Ripx180 said...

I hope you dont smell like microwaved poo ;)

Hows it going?