
Feed Me, Seymore

Today's Weigh-In: 315.5
5-Day: 317.2 (new low)

57.2 to go, people. I'm .2 pounds away from hitting the 30-pound lost mark, too.

In other news, I'm going to echo Becky's post from yesterday, and say that I'm going to add some calories to my daily intake. I figured out my BMR long ago, and figured out that I could lay on the couch motionless and burn 3,500 calories each day. I went with that number, and tried to go no higher than 2,500 calories.

For a while, I was even going under the 2,000 mark. Big mistake.

Well, I looked back into the BMR formula yesterday, and I realized I've been leaving out some important information this entire time - my activity level. Even adding in "light activity" of light exercise 2-4 days each week takes my number of calories burned each day to 4,200. Which means, to lose 2 pounds each week, I should be eating no less than 3,200 calories per day.

So, I need to add in roughly 700 calories per day to my intake, which is not going to be easy, as I normally have to add something in to get closer to 2,500.

Also, this would explain why I lost my last 3-4 pounds. Even though it seemed by diet was failing, as I was eating closer to 3,500 calories, I might have just been getting the intake up to where it needed to be to keep my metabolism going, and burning fat. Again, I never went over 3,500 calories whenI was off the wagon.

No matter, I'll be trying to count calories again to make sure I'm in the correct range. I'll be adding in some extra fruits and veggies to my normal meals, and maybe adding a PB on Wheat sandwich in the evening as my regular desert. We'll see how it goes.

Also, if it isn't already there, I'll be adding the goal of being in "Academy Shape" by 6/10 to my sidebar. Like Cindy said in my comments, even if I don't apply, I can still strive to be in shape for it.

OK, folks. Let's rock.


I'm still sick. This cough is killing me. My head is constantly pounding. I feel OK when I'm not hacking, but if I exert myself at all, it's over. The cough knocks me on my can. If it's not better in a couple of days, I'm going to see a Dr.

Also, my 5-month-old is sick, making for late nights, early morning, and stressful days. None of which are good for a transformation.

1 comment:

Rob Tucker said...

It's good to always analyze how you're doing. Nothing works forever, and by keeping a watchful eye, you'll never fall into a rut too big to get out of. Keep it up, Kev. You're almost half-way there!