
Back At It

Well, after a Tuesday weigh-in of 325, my new 5-day is 324.5. As much as I hate that number, I feel almost relieved, as it's only .6 higher than it was the day I left for Michigan - which is when the wheels fell off.

So, I'm back at it, working my way to my next goal of 315, which will be impossible to hit by next Thursday. And I'm OK with that. Will I reach my goal as quickly as I'd like? Nope. But I will still reach my goal.

There's no rush, people. There's not a guy watching us, waiting to beat us with a baseball bat if we fail to hit our goals on time. The only people who should be beating ourselves up is us. And we should only do that if we're failing. I messed up last week, but I didn't fail. I slowed down, but I didn't stop.

I started a new in-home routine yesterday. I might tweak the leg lifts and exchange them for some crunches, not sure.

Push ups
1 set of max reps from floor
2 sets of 20 from 45-degree angle

3 sets of 7, 38# each arm, alternating

Dumbell Cross Punch
2 sets of 10, 13# each arm

Squats (unweighted)
3 sets of 20

Leg lifts
3 sets of 10

I'm still very much hoping to get into some basketball soon, but I'd need to find somebody at my fitness level, or I won't last one game. I know some guys from the magazine I work for who play all the time, but these guys are all in great shape, and I wouldn't fit in. I used to hate playing with guys who couldn't keep up with the rest of us. I'm not gonna do that to anybody else.

And so, the struggle continues.

To the Coalition:

It's been a rough week for most of us. We're not getting the results we want, we struggle to keep on top of our routines, we lose focus...keep fighting through it. We all know we're doing the right things. Keep going, and the rest will take care of itself.

Happy Tuesday.


Rob Tucker said...

You're right about the 'race' that we all feel we're in. Setting goals is a double edged sword. You can feel great if hit your goal, but if you just miss it, we tend to look at it like "I missed my goal" instead of "Look how much I lost this month".

Keep on keeping on, Kev.

Big Al said...

Kevin, hang in there, you are doing great!