

Dear God.

Fried chicken, pizza, bar-b-q chicken sandwiches, mashed potatoes, Culver's, bar-b-q beans with pork and bacon - it just kept coming and coming.

Listen, I'm not here to tell you that I overcame every challenge, and I'm sure not going to say that I willingly gave in. What I WILL say is that I tried. Some days I did fine, other days, I crapped out.
I weighed myself after I walked in the door this evening, and it read 334-335. If that's true, it better be water weight, because as bad as I was, there is NO WAY I put on almost 12 pounds. I guess we'll see in the morning.

Either way, I'm back, and I'm living life on my own terms. The weight is coming off.


Rob Tucker said...

When you're in the pressure cooker, sometimes you crack. Don't feel bad about it.

We always preach about a lifestyle, and not a diet. So you ate too much the past few days. Shit happens, right?

The best thing is, you're back on track, back at home, and ready to knock them off.

I wouldn't worry about that scale weigh in. I have a feeling it's a big, fat liar.

Anonymous said...

Getting back on track fast is the right thing to do. I gained 6 pounds one night, but it was gone in a week. It probably is mostly water weight.