

> No scale at my Dad's, so I have NO idea what my weight has been for the last three days.

> Nobody takes my eating better thing seriously, so I've been bombarded with crap food. I've had virtually no choice as to what I eat, so I'm focusing on portion control.

> It's been non-stop family stuff since I got to Michigan - I'll try to do some push-ups before I go to bed.

> I'll be back on Thursday, and the train will resume it's roll towards 315 then.

> Thank God. This post knocks those damn pics a little further down the page.


Rob Tucker said...

I was wondering where you were. I forget you guys were coming to Michigan.

It's tough when no one else is doing the dieting thing, and you're daily facing those hard choices. Good work for being conscious about it.

Anonymous said...

You're doing good. Just remember portion control! You can't control what you eat, but you can control how much you eat. ;) (Nothing you don't already know.) One more day...hang in there.