
Keepin' On

Weigh In: 318.5
5-Day: 319.1

Well, this cold/flu thing doesn't want to let go of me. I hate being sick, yet it seems I'm always catching what's in the air.

Still, I see yesterday as a small victory. We needed a new wireless adapter for our desktop, and Becky was gone with a friend. Being sick, the temptation was to sit on the couch and cough until Becky got home, then I could drive over to Office Max and get one.

Instead, I got my sick butt up, took a shower, got dressed, and walked over to Office Max. Now, before anybody starts patting me on my back, it's MAYBE 2/3 of a mile round trip. So, it's not like I got in some amazing work out.

Even so, by the time I got over there, I was weak and sweating. Then walking back, and climbing up three flights of stairs about killed me. I had to stop several times and take a deep breath or two. And the rest of the day, I was pretty much prone on the couch coughing a lung up.

But the victory is in the fact that I did it. The old me would have sat here all day watching TV while completely healthy. The old me was lazy. The new me is not.


Rob Tucker said...

I think you're wrong.

You DO deserve a pat on the back for it. I don't care if it's only 2/3 a mile.

When you're sick, you could easily use that as the excuse to do NOTHING. You didn't, and that's what you should be proud of. Good for you.

Anonymous said...

"So, it's not like I got in some amazing work out"

heh, that made me laugh :)

Anyway, I am patting you on the back anyway :D