
A Little Less Painful

Weigh In: 294.0 (up .4 pounds)
5-Day: 293.56 (up .12 pounds)

294 is better than 295.4, but it's still painful.

I emailed a guy with two large-framed bikes for sale for $10 each yesterday, but I haven't heard back. That would be a huge difference-maker for me right now. Having a bike would allow me to get away from things for an hour or so a day, it would allow me to work off about 600 calories extra, and it would allow me to feel free once in a while.

It's strange how something as simple as a bike - when attaining one is out of your reach - becomes so important. Right now, a bike is the Holy Grail to my Monty Python. It's the Lost Ark to my Indiana Jones. It's the Red October to my Jack Ryan.

It would be nice.

1 comment:

Rob Tucker said...

That'd definitely be a nice addition for you. I know you've been wanting this for a while. Hope it works out.