
Why I HATE the 5-Day

Weigh In: 291.8 (What in God's name??)
5-Day: 290.84

I've been the king of body weight fluctuations over the last several months. If you've been following my blog for any length of time, than you know my body likes to freak out on me, and jump up two, three, even four pounds overnight quite often, usually for no good reason. It's as frustrating as "frustrating" can be, but it's just what my messed up body does.

Well, the evil Dr. Fluctuation has struck again.

Up over two pounds from yesterday's weight, with a quick and intense, against-the-wind 3-4 mile bike ride, and perfect eating. Makes sense, huh?

Now, I will admit that I ate poorly on Tuesday night. Beck and I were both under strict deadlines, and we didn't have time to cook dinner. So, we took the easy way out, and got pizza. I ended the day about 500 calories over my target of 2,400. But that was two days ago, and it was 500 calories. I don't think that played that big of a role in a 2-pound fluctuation today.

How long does it take for your body to register what you put it through? If I eat 2400 calories today, but I box, ride my bike, play some basketball, and take a run, and I burn 3500 more than I take in, will I lose a pound tomorrow? Will it show on the scale a few days from now? On the same token, if I don't work out at all today, and I eat 5,900 calories, will I put on a pound tomorrow?

I've done variations of both over the last seven or eight months, and from my experience, it seems much more likely that the latter will happen. I've eaten 500 to 1,000 calories over a few times, and I've put on three pounds the next day. I've eaten 2400 on the nose, and burned 2000 calories off, and my weight stays the same, or barely budges. Sometimes, it's even gone up a few pounds.

Of course, I've also eaten 1,000 calories over, and lost a pound the next day.

I know it's not an exact science every time, but I wish I understood my body a little better than I do. It would help take the edge off of these funky weigh ins.

Let's just hope I can drop back down by Sunday.


billy said...

Dude, Dr. Fluctuation is a keeper man- that's hilarious.

Yeah, I just try to resign myself to the fact that it's just not that cut and dry. The cause-and-effect relationship isn't as simple as all that. There are so many other factors including water weight, bile (ugh) etc., and of course, the billions of chemical reactions that happen in our bodies every day that we don't understand.

Bottom line- look at your chart man, it looks like lightning hit it. This is how your body works. All you can do is ride the lightning, man- ride the lightning. Eventually you'll end up at the bottom.

Ripx180 said...

Yeah Dr fluctuation resides at my house too and can be scary at times. My good actions for some reason usually take a few days to register. The bad is almost instant of course. Go figure. I think generally the heavier you are the more you body flucuates... probably near the same percentage of a lighter person but my wife for example usually only flexes 1-2lbs or so while i can swing 5 on a extremely bad day. However once I hit a low its easy for me to get back to that with a couple good days if I have gone and messed it up for a day. I have to agree with you and Billy, its not a exact science.

Anonymous said...

Man, I hate clowns.

Yeah, totally feeling the negative effect of fluctuation's myself (as you know) and it sucks. That's how my body works, though.

I'm sure it's the same for you. I bet there's a pattern on the line that depicts your overall weight loss.

Ripx180 said...

ever time I think of clowns I think of Stephen King "IT"... wasn't that pennywise or something? Those sharp little teeth scared the Sh*$ out of me when I was a kid and clowns have never been the same.