

According to my friends at 50/50 Fitness, that's what I should be taking in every day. It's about 400 calories under what the average online BMR calculator has been telling me to eat, which translates to 2,800 too many calories per week that I'm taking in - almost a pound per week.

So, starting yesterday, I'm aiming for 2,400-ish calories every day. I'm leaving the zig-zag method for a while, too. Just a striaght 2,400 calories.

How did they figure this number out? No clue.

All I know is I laid on a table with a hood over my head that was pumping O2 in. They somehow measured the CO2 I was putting out for about 20 minutes, and they came up with the 2,407. They're the pros, so I'm pretty sure they knew what they were doing.

50/50 also filled me in on something I wasn't aware of. With my weight, build, etc., one mile of walking or running burns 200 calories. So, I'll be keeping the double stroller home from now on, and I'll be trying to fit an hour or so in every afternoon for a walk/jog with my girls. I can do some HIIT with the stroller - walk for a tenth of a mile, jog for a tenth - so we're looking at a potential 500 - 800 or so calories a day extra that I'll be taking off the body.

So, who is 50/50? Check their site out at www.train50.com, and their sister site, www.l2s-livehealthy.com.

Once Shift is ready to re-launch, Scott and Lauren will take a pretty active role. They'll be blogging, they'll be on the forums for support and advice, and they're sure to be involved in other ways, too.

I was at 50/50 yesterday, and they had some of the most incredible equipment I've ever seen. They've worked with clients that range from Joe Average off the street to members of the Denver Broncos. Their facility looks like the set up for the NFL Combine. And I'm not exaggerating. It was amazing. If I didn't live 45 minutes away from them, I'd be all over it. It's an incredible organization.

If any readers live in Denver, you should check them out.

Thanks to Scott and Lauren for helping us out yesterday!


billy said...

That's awesome. Do they do body fat testing as well? I've been trying to find a place that does it like hydrostatic style, but can't find anyplace.

is the 2407 your BASAL metabolism (what you would burn sleeping) or your active metabolism, or is it a 500 calorie deficit that you would need to lose fat?

Kevin A. said...

It's actually my Resting Metabolic Rate. It's what I'd burn just laying still for 24 hours. So I eat that, and shoot for 1,000 calories of activity. If I go over 1,000 calories burned, I increase my food intake accordingly.

It's almost opposite of how I've been doing it - adding in all my activities, then subtracting 1,000 calories.

They do the Body Fat testing, but we didn't get it done. They do EVERYTHING. It's unreal.

Kristen said...

I'm sure that explains your frustration lately. You'll probably be melting away soon...