
Not at 100%

Weigh-in: 303.4
5-Day: 304.56

I've been feeling sick for about 36 hours or so, now. It's part cold, part flu, and it's teaming up with my shoulder to keep me pretty much activity-less. Obviously, lack of activity is uncool, especially when you're trying to lose weight.

I'm shaky as I type this, so I don't anticipate too awful much changing today, though I will try to clean the house again today. With two kids, even cleaning every 48 hours makes for a good workout. Toys everywhere, dishes, garbage - you name it.

Hopefully I'll feel better as the day goes along, and I can get out and walk or something tonight. Every little bit helps at ths point.

I've abandoned my hopes of hitting 299.9 by Sunday. Had I been in the 302's today, I might have thought it possible. But after going back up .4 from pounds yesterday, I don't see it happeneing. Still, I'm looking at an average weight of 304.56 sqaure in its face right now, and that is the lightest I've been since the winter of 2002. I have no complaints about that.

In the last 10 days, I've taken 2.8 pounds off of my average. My weigh-ins went from 308.6 11 days ago, to 303.4 today. That's 5.2 pounds in just over a week. I'm willing to bet that, had I not splurged so much over my anniversary weekend, I'd be flirting with that 299 today. Oh well, I'll get there soon enough.

1 comment:

Rob Tucker said...

Maybe that weekend splurge helped to push that metabolism up?

Either way, remember when Billy just recently declared a goal "impossible"? He then nailed the goal.

Don't let it kill you if you don't get it, but never say 'never'.

Or 'impossible'.