
Just for Documentation

Weigh In: 297.6
5-Day: 299.88

Wow. Under 300 "officially." It feels good, but the euphoria of getting under that 300 is quickly fading. Now I see 299.88 as disgusting. I had to lose 60+ pounds just to get down to being "fat."

39.88 pounds to go until I'm happy.

One battle won, many more to fight.

More tomorrow.


Lacy said...

Yay for averaging under 300!!! That is awesome!

Oh, and thanks for letting me borrow your wife this weekend... she almost killed me, but we had fun!!! :)

Rebecca said...

Pat yourself on the back for that milestone! It's hard, when you start losing weight I think you become more conscious of the fat that's still there, and more dissatisfied with it, when before, it was just part of life. But still give yourself props and bask a bit in the euphoria.