
Not Much To Say, Really

Took a calculated risk, motivated by having a really bad day, and had a cheat meal last night. Ended up weighing in up .4 pounds from yesterday.

More importantly, I feel nasty this morning. Not sick, but more "I should have avoided those foods last night." Don't get me wrong, I love sesame chicken. I really do. And it tasted great while I was eating it - especially at $1.25 a scoop. But this morning, I'm filled with deep regret. I could have done without it, and I wonder what kind of effect it really had on my weight this morning. Going up .4 isn't awful, but might I have gone DOWN .4 if I'd avoided the dinner? Is the .4 water from the sodium, or is it straight weight?

There are no right answers to those questions today, because I'll never know. I just need to shake the cobwebs out of my head, refocus, and make sure I'm back to eating clean today.

I also need to get my butt out of this house and get my body moving. Sparring, walking, jogging, climbing something...I need to move today. I haven't done any sort of "workout" since Saturday, and that's unacceptable. Maybe I'll hit the trails behind us this evening and do a little walk/jog. I gotta do something.

My unwritten goal was to get my average under 300 by the end of the week. I could still do it, but not by going the wrong direction with my weigh-ins for two straight days.

I just need to make sure I break through any potential mental block before it builds up enough to slow me down. I kind of feel like that's what I'm dealing with right now. Similar to that feeling of walking through deep, thick mud. You're moving, but as soon as you stop, your feet are pretty much locked in place. I feel like I'm in the mud right now, so it's more important than ever that I keep moving.

Back at it today, looking for a better number tomorrow...

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