
Just a Few Notes

> To end any potential confusion about the weight loss:

In January of 2006, I weighed 360 pounds. I gave up sugared drinks, and moved to a third-floor apartment in February. The next time I weighed myself - just a few weeks ago - I had dropped about 13 pounds. I credit this to a slight increase in activity, and drinking only tea, water and diet soda.

So, I'm still trying to lose 100 pounds, but I'm starting for real at 87.

> I cheated last night.

We had no food in the house, so we ordered Chinese. I had sesame chicken, again. I ate it all, again. The good news is that I came it at just about 2,700 calories for the day, still almost 800 calories below my maximum intake. Still, eating 16 ounces of breaded chicken covered in sesame sauce, a cup of white rice, and three crab wontons in one sitting can't be good.

> Photo op.

After posting my picture from 2001 yesterday, I got bored. I dressed in a similar shirt, stood in a similar pose, and took a nearly identical picture in my mirror. I expected to see Ralphie May in the after photo, but I was somewhat surprised to see me. A me that looked like he put on a little weight, but still, me. It's the first time in a long time I haven't looked at myself at felt disgusted.

If asked, I may post the before and after. We'll see.

> My weights are coming.

On Saturday, I'm getting - free of charge - two dumbells, and about 90 pounds of iron weights. I'll be adding in several moves that I found in the 2/06 issue of Men's Health that, when added to my push-ups, will give me a full-body, life transformation workout.

> Speaking of push-ups...

I still can't quite do full sets of 10 on the floor, but yesterday I ripped out two sets of 20, two sets of 15, and two sets of 12 on the kitchen counter. Still only like lifting around 140 pounds, but it was like lifting 140 pounds 94 times.

Today, I rest. If I could move my arms, I might do more...

> News coming soon.

Becky, Rob and myself have all made commitments to become better, healthier people. The truth is, we were all fat. And now that we're going through this life transformation, we're hoping to become F.A.T.

If you'd also like to become F.A.T., or if you're curious what that even is, keep checking back.

> Just for laughs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ham on, man. Ham on.