
Then and Now

Well, there it is. I'll keep the shirt on, thanks. I'll add to this photo every 6-8 weeks. Hopefully, we'll all see some major changes.


billy said...

Hey Kevin
I found your blog through Rob and Becky- if you wanna add my blog to your little ring there I'll do the same and we can get a coalition going!

Dude, how tall are you? Because you look thin at 250 and your more recent photo I would not have guessed that you were over 300...

Anyway, keep up the good work!

Kevin A. said...


I'll add you right away. Thanks for joining our struggle.

I'm 6' 8" tall, so I carry the weight well, luckily.

Thanks for the comment!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I can finally comment because the word verification thing is showing up. Anyway, I'm amazed at how close you are to your Feb '01 shot! Since I see you every day, I just don't notice it until you post a pic like that. You look very good and you're only going to look better as the weeks pass. Keep up the good work! :)