
Billy has NOTHING on me

Billy's all "Look at my definition 'down there!' I'm so buff and cool!" Man, I've got a better, more visible line than Billy has, and I've had it for YEARS! See for yourself!

Truth is, I'm sick today, I'm stressed about our situation and the fact that it's deadline week with the paper, and I thought this might be worth a laugh to some of us.

I apologize for the close up of my general "area." That was highly inappropriate.


Rob Tucker said...


(takes breath)


Put that on the list of things that I never want to see again.. too damned funny...

David said...

Haha, that's a good one !

Ripx180 said...

;*) BAG (Big A$$ GRIN)

love it!! ha ha. Billy I am feeling some hysterical retaliation is needed.

Nice on Kevin.

billy said...

THAT my friend is hysterical.

I can't believe anyone actually thought that picture I used was me, and not an Abercrombie model... I guess I should be flattered.

I dunno, I don't think I can top this hilarity.

Kristen said...

Oh, Dear Lord...make it go away!!!

I'm kidding. Thanks for the much needed laugh. Sorry it was at your expense though :)

Anonymous said...

And to think I struggled with sharing my WEIGHT for the first time! Thanks, I think (for the levity).