
This isn't the important post

The one below this one is the meat for the day, but I did want to bring something up.

This picture:

Was supposed to be funny. I was going to post it with the title "In case you were wondering." But I almost didn't post it at all, because I think I look atrocious in it. Like, really, really, fat. Just plain nasty. In all truth, I'm a little ashamed to be posting it here. I just think it's an embarrassing picture.

But my question is why? Is it inner fat? Years of thinking I look horrible in pictures keeping me from seeing a decent one? Is it my recent struggles coming through? Weeks of failure making me feel as though I'm just as fat as ever?

I don't know what it is, but I don't like it.

Awesome looks NOTHING like that.


billy said...

I don't think you look fat in that pic. That shirt is great.

Maybe it's because your head is cocked back, giving you kindof a double-chin. I can still give myself a double-chin, if it makes you feel better.

But if you look at the torso, you don't look fat.

Ripx180 said...

I agree with Billy. You look like the average guy, not fat at all. So yes the inner fat must be rearing its ugly head for you. It doesn't look like you have a gut or moobs in any way. wish I could say the same thing about myself.

Rob Tucker said...

Yeah, with the guys. Not a bad pic in my opinion.

The only thing I'm concerned about is the random left nipple. Cold in Denver, Kev?

David said...

ahaha !

Too much details in that comment Kevin !

You guys crack me up !

Kristen said...

I just want to say nips.

Oh...and I hate my double chin. I try to suck it in when I think of it...if that's even possible.

Rebecca said...

Definitely think its the inner fat. Look through your old pix, you've definitely come a long way. Regardless, you look awesome. ;)