
2 Much Drama

OK, I'm not a big fan of drama, especially when it surrounds, of all things, weight loss blogs. I have enough drama to deal with, so I'm gonna go ahead and put my feet up and relax for a couple days until this all calms down.

There just seems to be a lot going on, and the fact that it's resorted to name-calling, accusations, etc, it's just not my style right now. I'm sure everybody has their reasons for acting the way they are, and saying the things they feel they need to say. I ain't mad at ya. I'm just gonna mind my bidness, and worry about my fatness.

I still have a lot of fatness to worry about.

All is well. I'm not quitting. I'm just not going to blog for a few days. No biggie.


Rob Tucker said...

I hear you - I was going to post a blog about this today, but figured it would just add fuel to the fire.

The bottom line is, the FAT Coalition is a group of friends who are here as a support group for each other in our weight loss journeys.

I trust you guys with my inner thoughts and insecurities, my struggles and even my successes.

That will not change.

billy said...

Yup. Let's get back to what we're doing here. In fact, if you look at my blog, I don't even know what drama you're talking about, it seems like it never even happened ;)

Ripx180 said...

Amen.... bummer on the drama but sh%$ happens I suppose. Glad I was gone for the weekend and missed the majority.