

As Dave and Beck prepare to go head-to-head, I can't help but think that some contests might just be what some of us need to get the weight loss train moving.

So, pick your opponent, lay down the terms, and go at it.

First to lose 10 pounds?
First to hit their next goal?
First to bench 200?
First to run five miles?

Name your terms, and throw down the gauntlet. This might be tougher for some than for others, and many of us are at very different levels health-wise, and at very different points along the weight-loss journey. So, keep that in mind as you go forward.

Be sure to blog about your challenge so we can all follow along.


Marcol said...

Im game to join a 10 lbs in a month challenge if there are other takers. I did a similar one some months back on sparks people and it was very motivating. If others are interested let me know and let me know the dates that it runs from when to when.

Come on yall dont be scared Marcol wont beat you too badly :)

Anonymous said...

I have been waiting for some F.A.T. Members to come up with some ideas for Beck and I, but no takers yet. I guess I could challenge her to the first to bench 200 :) j/k

Rob Tucker said...

I'll be up for the "first person to lose 1 pound" challenge. I figured I could probably attain that in the next month?

Anonymous said...

Rob - LOL.

Dave - How about the first to 200 on lat pulldowns?? I'm at 180 right now. ;)

I'm down for the 10-pounds-in-a-month challenge. That's almost 3 lbs a week...that's tough! So tough that I've never lost that much in a month. So let's not do the 10-pounds-in-a-month challenge. :)

I'm ready to go. I just need a goal. Let's do this!!